Ohh the title of my card does not really suit this occasion as this is my last posting for Inky as I hav ended my term. As some of you know I am having some health problems the last couple of months and I need to make my life a little bit more stressfree so no stressing over dt work as I left 2 other dt's to this last month And hope I can more easily keep up with the 5 dt's i am on now :) I got some bad news as I now know why I am having these terrible pains in my leg and back as I am having artritus to now in my back and I have to work hard to strenghten the musscles around my spine. Hope that is the right word for it ;) So I will have therapy and exersize to try to strenghten the muscles there. As now I can't sit long behind my desk and I feel I am always in a hurry with my dt work lately while I used to be very laidback and relaxed about it all. So Hope i can find my peacefull place soon again and play all day again with my stamps and papers. So here is my last Inky card. I coloured her with a mix of Copics and Spectrum Noir markers, Dies used are from Spellbinders available at Pink Gem, Sentiment is also from Inky.

Hugs Ria